Special Education Committee update 2/27/23

Please see this information from Principal Brady:
Since this is a transitional year, we are scheduling Skills classes when possible – when both the teacher and a critical mass of students are available. That is what we did last term as well. If the teacher is not available, or there are not enough students available to run a Skills class, we offer Tutoring instead.
We would like to add to the list of subcommittees we have created. It would be great to add Professional Development Research and “Lunch & Learn” events under our Education subcommittee; and create a new subcommittee for critical Fundraising.
Anyone interested, please let us know and we can begin organizing ASAP.
Co-Vice Presidents of Special Education
Justine Keil (2023) & Isabel Santiago-Gordon (2025)
Email us at beaconspecialeducation@gmail.com
Tuesday, February 28th @ 6pm on Zoom
Deb Heller and IEP/504 College Counselor Valerie Mitchell will be hosting the first of three parent coffee talks focusing on post-secondary planning for students with IEPs/504s.
Thursday, March 2nd @ 6pm on Zoom we will have a presentation on neuropsychological and educational testing: ”Everything you wanted to know about neuropsychological and educational testing” with Dr. Dominic Auciello Director of Envisage.
Tuesday, March 7th @ 6pm on Zoom – next PTA Special Education committee meeting
Tuesday, April 18th @ 5:30pm in person at Beacon screening of “The Disruptors”
Click here to join the Beacon IEP/504 parents & guardians Google Group.
To learn more about the Special Education Committee and see our meeting schedule, click here.