Our PTA Hospitality Team needs you!

The Beacon PTA’s hospitality committee is compiling a list of families (and other members of our school community) who may own or be connected with the food & beverage industry—bars, restaurants, food vendors, or other merchants or suppliers—and who might be interested in supporting Beacon hospitality events with in-kind donations or discounts on food, drinks, venues, or event space.
For example, the PTA is hosting a teacher and staff holiday party and would like to identify a restaurant space in Hell’s Kitchen where 50-100 teachers and staff could enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres after school on December 21st or 22nd.
We will also be hosting other events throughout the year and we would appreciate the opportunity to support a Beacon family business and/or to receive a donation or discount. If you do have a connection, please email us the information listed below at: beaconhospitality1@gmail.com.
Any information you provide will be kept confidential and used only by the PTA to contact Beacon families to support Beacon events.
• Your name
• Your child’s name and their year in school
• Best way to reach you (email address and/or cell phone number)
• Name of the business
• Address/location
• Brief description of what might be donated or provided at a discount – for example, food, drinks, and/or event space.
Please consider supporting the Beacon community as we host school events!
Kind regards,
The Hospitality Committee