June 13, 2022 – HBCU Summit & College Fair

Beacon’s first ever HBCU Summit, sponsored by the Beacon College Office and the school equity committee with the financial support of the Beacon PTA, is scheduled for Monday, June 13th from 3:00-7:00pm ET. (Doors open at 2:30pm!)
The event will be an excellent opportunity for students to learn about HBCUs and engage with alumni from these institutions. In addition, we are looking forward to a community-wide commemoration of Juneteenth. Let us all come together in solidarity and promote inclusion and belonging, which are immensely integral to our work here at Beacon.
The event includes:
• HBCU College Fair featuring 25+ HBCU admission representatives
• HBCU alumni panel
• Performance by the Divine Nine (9 historically Black Greek Letter Organizations)
• FAFSA/scholarship and FAFSA info
• Related vendors — and more!
Who may attend? The event is designed for all Beacon students and registration closes on May 6th. Accompanying parents/guardians/chaperones may attend too. The registration links:
Students—General Admission (includes access to the college fair and vendors):
Students—All-Access Admission (includes access to the college fair, vendors plus all performances, presentations and panel discussions):
Accompanying Parent/Guardian/Chaperone Admission: https://form.jotform.com/HBCU_Night/thebeaconparentguardianchaperone
More information: Beacon’s programming partner for this event is HBCU Night, Inc. This nonprofit organization has been identified as America’s leading organization bringing HBCUs to the forefront of conversations for high school students embarking on post-secondary learning. Through HBCU alumni panel discussions, educational programming and interactive college fairs with over 85 HBCUs, the organization’s efforts have profoundly impacted registrations at HBCUs. The scholars organizing these events promote community and scholarship, introducing students to a network of resources beneficial for college admissions. Students leave these events with access to scholarships, face time with college admissions representatives—and a deep understanding of what it means to make an informed college decision.
Beacon parents & guardians: If you are a graduate from an HBCU we would appreciate your to help to illuminate the many opportunities and programs available to students at these institutions. We would love to hear from you. Please fill out this short form (by May 12th) so we can obtain information about your preferred nature of involvement with HBCUs.
Why attend?
All students are welcome as it is not just a college fair highlighting the HBCU options but also includes informational panels about the college experience, performances, college reps and giveaways. We have current and former Beacon parents and Beacon alum who are HBCU grads and many more community members who have family and friends that have attended an HBCU.
Doors open at 2:30pm and the first 200 participants to arrive will receive a free tote bag including snacks! Plus each participant is automatically entered in a raffle to win one of two $250 scholarships when they check in. We also have trivia prizes such as HBCU swag and $100 gift cards!
The HBCU Event represents a continuation of Beacon’s collective work to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, and ongoing equity work is one of our main areas of focus for next year.
We are also excited and honored to announce Beacon’s partnership with the National Basketball Players Association Foundation due to our shared commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The NBPA Foundation has co-sponsored our first HBCU Summit and has expressed interest in providing ongoing scholarships for students attending HBCUs due to their HBCU work as a foundation, providing tours of their facility to Beacon students, participating on our PBA panels, increasing collaboration with elite athletes at Beacon, supporting student artists and becoming a potential Community Service site for Beacon. We are grateful for their support!