Jan. 2023 PBA Week / End of term

Principal Brady shared the following update on Jan. 8, 2023:
PBA Week January 24th-27th
We have 10 instructional days until PBA Week! Students should have received the attached PBA Week Student Schedule in Advisory on Friday, Jan. 6 (linked here). We will have additional copies available in the Main Office all week.
Since PBA Week is not a regular instructional week and students only need to be in attendance when necessary (i.e. as scheduled), the expectation is that students use the PBA Week Student Schedule this coming week to identify when teachers tell them that they need to be at school. I offer a further breakdown below:
MONDAY, JAN. 23 is the last regular instructional day of the Fall Term. Students are expected in all classes on their regular Monday schedule.
TUESDAY, JAN. 24 is the ELA Regents Exam for all 11th graders (and select seniors). If you are in 11th grade, you are expected to report to school by 9am for the ELA Regents Exam! Since it involves many students and proctors, there is nothing else scheduled that day and only students taking the ELA Regents Exam are expected in school on Tuesday, January 24th.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25 starts with Math, Science and AP assessments. Since some students might be taking two assessments, we spread them out over two mornings. Math, Science and AP teachers will inform students which morning(s) they need to be at school to take an assessment.
Students only attend during the Band Schedule when requested by their teacher. The Band Schedule during PBA Week is designed to ensure no student is double-booked and that the teacher of each class has dedicated time to request their students attend. On this day, A, B and C Bands have dedicated time.
Students are only expected to attend the Band Schedule part of the day when requested by their teacher! The time will be used by teachers for presentations, to provide extended time on Math/Science/AP assessments, for make-up work, etc.
Students who need to be in the school from Tuesday through Friday can exit and re-enter if they need to be at school in the morning and then not again until later that day. Lunch will be served each day and students are able to stay for lunch or are free to go when their appointments are over.
THURSDAY, JAN. 26 starts with Math, Science and AP assessments followed by dedicated time for D, E and F Bands.
FRIDAY, JAN. 27 starts with G and H Bands and then the afternoon is for teachers to grade.
Note: School Lunch is available each day. Students are able to exit and re-enter if they have a morning assessment but are not expected back until later in the day. To maintain an appropriate and quiet assessment environment, students cannot be in hallways but must be in the library or the cafeteria if they remain in the building. Any student who disrupts the environment will be asked to leave.
MONDAY, JAN. 30 is the Chancellor’s Conference Day – no school for students.
TUESDAY, JAN. 31 is the first day of Spring Term classes and will follow the regular Tuesday schedule. Classes will start at 8am. 9th graders who need their schedule can pick it up in the lobby before school, though students who have activated their new JumpRope accounts can see their schedules there. After H Band, Students and Advisors report to their Advisory Room for MTA Metrocard distribution. G Band will start at 10:10am.
Fall Term grades will be submitted by teachers after PBA Week to ensure all assessment info can be included. Grades (report cards) will be available to students and families the week of February 6th.
All classes receive Fall Term grades, which are final grades and are included on the student’s transcript. Classes that are annualized (meaning they continue with the same teacher, roster and band in the spring term) receive a final term grade for both Fall Term and Spring Term.
We are finalizing Spring Schedules for students and plan to make them available on NYCSA prior to the start of spring term and provide hard copies the first day of Spring Term (and possibly sooner).
Most classes are annualized and continue. For seniors, English and History are term-long classes that change for Spring Term. Some Arts and other electives are not annualized as well, so these will change for students. The 9th Grade Arts Rotation requires additional adjustments as they change each quarter, so 9th graders may see changes in when their Arts and PE classes meet.
As with Fall, we have a three-week Course Change Request process but anticipate that we will be able to make requested changes before the first day of Spring Term.
Students with early dismissal due to free periods will need to get their schedule stamped by the Main Office showing that they have a permission slip on file.
Also, students who are on PSAL Rosters for Winter Season should see the PSAL code on their spring schedule instead of PE. Students who want the ISPE Waiver must apply for Spring – even if you received the waiver in the Fall term.
ISPE forms are available in the gym from Coach Cecilia Rodiguez – students must get the forms from her, complete and submit. Once the activity is approved, PE class will be dropped from their schedule. If it is not approved, or if the student does not submit the time sheets throughout the term, students will be expected to attend PE class.
1/24/22 update:
• Spring schedules for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students are available in the Main Office during PBA Week.
• Guidance counselors are not able to respond to requests for email schedules because they are preparing for the new term.
• If students are not at school this week, they can pick up their new schedule on the first day of Spring Term, which is Tuesday, January 31st.
• 9th Grade schedules will be available on January 31st too.
• Remember, no school on Monday, January 30th, which is a professional development day.
Happy PBA Week!