DOE NYCSA reminder for parents & guardians

NYC Schools Account Information
The DOE’s NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) allows parents and guardians to have access to their student’s grades, report cards, attendance & other key information.
If you already have a NYC Schools Account log-in, click here to sign in with the email you originally created to open your account.
If you do not have a NYC Schools Account log-on, click “Create New Account” here and the DOE will generate a creation code. This process usually takes a few days.
The DOE is planning its own online gradebook (to replace PupilPath/Skedula) that will be located in NYCSA.
Principal Brady’s Community Update has more information on how Beacon’s teachers are handling reporting grades until the DOE’s new system is fully functional.
Questions? Please contact Beacon Parent Coordinator Erdene Greene (