2023-2024 Beacon PTA funding requests
Beacon staff (and students) may submit a funding request form (CLICK HERE) to apply for funds from the Beacon School Parent Teacher Association for a school department, classroom supplies/equipment, after-school activity, sports team or other form of support or engagement for Beacon students.
You may also use this form to request reimbursements for approved expenses that you incurred and paid for out of pocket.
After the form has been submitted, all new funding requests will be presented — and MUST be approved — at a PTA General Membership Meeting. Please keep these meeting dates in mind when making your request. If your request is time-sensitive, please send an email to beacontreasurer@gmail.com.
Also note that the Beacon PTA cannot guarantee reimbursement for new requests that have already been incurred without prior approval from the general membership.
Please see the New York City DOE Chancellor’s A-660 Regulations for more information on what PTAs/PAs may fund—and raise funds for—and how any funding requests must be approved by a vote at a general membership meeting with a quorum of participants.
Questions? Please email beaconpta1@gmail.com or reach out directly to the PTA’s treasurers at beacontreasurers@gmail.com.