3/17/23 Beacon Music Spring Concert

Beacon Music Spring Concert (March 17, 2023) 3:30-6:30 PM
Admission: $5 for students, $10 for adults, teachers/staff (free)
If students would like to invite non-Beacon guests, please contact the email addresses below.
Beacon parent volunteers are welcome!
Details: The Beacon Music crew is looking for at least 2 Beacon parents/guardians to manage ticket sales at the concert.
Duties: At each shift, one parent could sell tickets (students $5, adults $10, staff get free) and stamp hands; parent 2 could run the concession table (students are bringing baked goods to sell).
Timing: Shift 1 volunteers to arrive by 3:15pm and help set up before doors open at 3:30pm, working until 5pm; Shift 2 volunteers to work from 5-6:30pm. Or the same volunteers could work the whole show!
Contact: If you can help, please email bletiecq@beaconschool.org, adelrosa@beaconschool.org, oneaman@beaconschool.org and rhill1@beaconschool.org. Thanks!