On March 1, 2023 the SAT/PSAT will be offered free of charge in school at Beacon.
This date was chosen as it is the only available option that does not conflict with Ramadan.
All Beacon 11th graders will be scheduled to take the SAT at school on that day and all 10th graders will be scheduled for the PSAT.
There will be no fee for either test; and note that Beacon doesn’t offer any in-school test prep for the PSAT as it’s a practice test. Students may choose to prep for the SAT through self-guided study or with the assistance of a tutor or service (such as those noted here); it’s up to each student and family.
9th grade and 12th grade students will have field trips on March 1st as teachers and classrooms will be needed for the SAT/PSAT. There will be no clubs or after-school extracurricular activities that day.
Please note that taking the PSAT/SAT in school is not mandatory for 10th/11th graders.
If your 10th or 11th grade student does not plan to take the PSAT or SAT in school on March 1, they can do classwork from home as Beacon’s entire staff and classrooms will be occupied with testing.
Scroll down for Beacon’s answers to frequently asked questions by students and families.
Overview of the SAT and PSAT at Beacon
Are all 10th grade Beacon students automatically registered for the PSAT-10 and all 11th grade students automatically registered for the SAT in school on March 1st?
If my 10th or 11th grade student does not plan on taking the PSAT-10 or the SAT on March 1st, what will they do that day?
There is no make-up date; this is the only PSAT/SAT in school day at Beacon for this academic year.
Are SAT or PSAT scores automatically sent to colleges?
No scores are automatically sent at all. Students must actively send them. They will get to decide which scores are sent to each individual school.
Is the PSAT-10 just a practice for SAT or are there other benefits to taking it?
The PSAT is just a practice. It helps with test familiarity and stamina for taking the SAT.
How to decide between SAT or ACT?
The Beacon College Office advises that all students should take a practice of both and see which they score better on. About 50% do the same on both tests, but the other 50% do much better on one vs. the other. You won’t know until you try. You can check out free online practice tests here.
Are SAT or PSAT scores automatically sent to colleges?
No scores are automatically sent at all. Students must actively send them. They will get to decide which scores are sent to each individual school.
Students will see their scores first in their College Board accounts and a few weeks later The College Office will get access and add them to Naviance!
Will students be given the opportunity to take the PSAT-NMSQT in October (which is when it is typically given to 11th graders)?
At Beacon, we do not offer this because the DOE does not pay for it. Students can find another high school to take the exam at or they can use their SAT scores to qualify for the NMSQT as well.
From the Beacon College Office:
A test prep event for Juniors and their Parents was in December and the recording has been in our weekly bulletin for the past months, which you can still watch here. We also have many resources on the SAT/ACT on our website here.
What time should 10th /11th grade Beacon students report to school?
Students should report at 8:00am.
How will my student know which room to report to?
There will be posters in the main lobby on the main floor to direct students to their testing room.
What should my child bring to school?
Your child should bring sharpened pencils (NOT mechanical pencils) and a scientific calculator. Please click here for examples of ACCEPTABLE calculators. We will not provide calculators.
Your child should also bring snacks/water to be consumed during breaks.
Will my child still have lunch?
Yes, students will be able to pick up a bagged lunch.
What will the test administration look like?
-Students report to school by 8am and then report to their testing room.
-Materials will be distributed from 8:00am-8:30/8:35 am.
-Pre-administration bubbling will begin at approximately 8:30/8:35 am.
-Pre-administration bubbling may take up to an hour.
-PSAT exams last 2 hrs and 45 minutes. Depending on how long pre-bubbling and distribution/collection of materials will take, the exam may last until 1:30pm.
-SAT exams last 3 hrs 15 min. Depending on how long pre-bubbling and distribution/collection of materials will take, the exam may last until 1:30pm. Students will be dismissed at 1:30pm if they have completed their exams.
-For students who finish before 1:30pm, they will be able to collect a grab and go to lunch to eat in the room until dismissal at 1:30pm.
Can students leave the room if they have finished the test before the official end time?
Students must remain in the room until the end of the test administration (except for allowable breaks).
Will clubs take place on March 1, 2023?
There will be no clubs or after-school activities on this day.
Special Education Students FAQs:
Should students with accommodations bring anything additional to school on test day?
No additional materials needed. NO PROOF OF ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED
When you say NO PROOF OF ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED, oes this mean that students with IEPs, for example, who have requested extra time won’t need to show proof — or how will that work?
A report is generated from the College Board that identifies each approved accommodation for each student at Beacon. We use that information to provide their approved accommodations.
Your child should bring sharpened pencils (NOT mechanical pencils) and a calculator. Please click here for a list of ACCEPTABLE calculators. We will not provide calculators.
Your child should also bring snacks/water to be consumed during breaks.
What to Know About Extended Time
Students approved for extended time by the College Board who register for the SAT must stay for the entire amount of time for which they’re approved, even if they stop work before time is called. They may not move onto the next section or subject until the allotted time has passed. The unscored section is eliminated for extended time test-takers.
- Students approved for extended time in reading will receive extended time for the entire test because all test sections require some reading.
- Students approved for extended time in math only will receive extended time only for the Math Test.
- Extended time in written expression, Speaking and Listening, does not apply to the SAT.
For time and one-half (+50%), the SAT is 4 hours and 30 minutes of testing time, plus breaks:
- 98 minutes for the Reading Test
- 53 minutes for the Writing and Language Test
- 38 minutes for the Math Test – No Calculator
- 83 minutes for the Math Test – Calculator
For double-time (+100%), the SAT is 6 hours of testing time, plus breaks:
- 130 minutes for the Reading Test
- 70 minutes for the Writing and Language Test
- 50 minutes for the Math Test – No Calculator
- 110 minutes for the Math Test – Calculator
- All students who take the SAT with double time (+100%) are tested at their school over two days.
**A report is generated by Beacon’s special education department for the School Day SAT testing that describes all of the accommodations approved for each student by that date. We use that report to inform which rooms students with accommodations will test in.
Note that Beacon does not offer the fall 11th grade PSAT (in October). The DOE used to pay for a free PSAT for juniors but instead offers the free SAT that can be used for college admissions in March.
If you think your child would score in the top 1% on the PSAT and want them to be considered for National Merit Scholarships, there is an alternative method where they can use their SAT scores to qualify.
In order to take advantage of this alternate method you need to contact the NMSQT at ae@nmerit.net with the following information, as noted by Beacon’s College Office:
Student’s full name
Home address
The Beacon School, 522 West 44th Street, NY NY 10036
I was unable to take the PSAT because my high school did not offer it. I would like to use the alternate route to be considered for the NMSQT.
Students will then receive a form that will need to be signed by someone in the College Office.
For any questions, including regarding additional time for the PSAT/SAT, please have your student ask their College Office counselor.