1/16/23 Class of ’23 yearbook ads due

Hi Beacon Senior Parents / Guardians,
The yearbook committee is working hard to make sure that this year’s yearbook is special.
Yearbook recognition ads are a great way for parents/guardians, families, friends to celebrate the senior class of 2023.
Here are some ideas.
A yearbook ad is a loving tribute to your student
A yearbook ad is a personalized sentimental message, cherished photo, or photo collage
A yearbook ad is advertisement of your business
1/2 Page – $150.00
1/4 Page – $80.00
1/8 Page – $40.00
It’s easy to create your ads online at:
1. Choose your ad size and layout
2. Enter your text and upload your photos.
Please select THE BEACON SCHOOL OF NYC when purchasing your ads.
CLICK HERE for more information, including payment plans.
For ALL questions regarding ads, call Jostens at (800) 358-0800.